Cottonwood Software
Windows Utilities for Power-Users
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Here's what our customers say...(These are unsolicited comments by real customers.)
I wanted to bring my previous comments up to date for any new users looking
at "FileEx"... My name is Richard Parker and my previous comments below go
clean back to Win95 and here we are into WinXP. This program has survived
through all of Microsoft's build, from Win95 to WinXP. There are very few
programs that can claim that kind reputation and longevity. So my comment to
you would be: "BUY IT" It’s the best all around tool ever made for Windows.
I recently bought File-Ex 3 (just before Chrsistmas) and I have to say that,
of all the programs doing this (enhancing Windows lousy dialog boxes) you
guys do it the best! But it isn't just a "power-users" proggie - it is a
must have for anyone locked into the Windows platform!
Your program is one of the best and and most useful software purchases I have ever made. I use it many times a day and am always
delighted by the elegant, simple way it gives you freedom and power over a constantly used function. Really enjoy using it.
How pleasing it
was to discover that File-Ex 98 actually works, and surpasses my
expectations. Honestly, I am in awe, File-Ex 98 dependably does as
proclaimed, which is high praise in an era where software claims of
functionality and dependability, are not to be trusted, and seem to be
considered optional priorities.
I am rarely a winner, but this time I scored big with File Ex! When I won a
permanent copy in your weekly giveaway, I followed the easy to use
registration instruction. I was up and running in minutes. I can't believe
that I have gone so long without it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Have I told you guys lately how much I appreciate your File-Ex for Win '95
product? It fills a niche very nicely and saves me a lot of time and
frustration each and every day.
This program is the best enhancement for Win95 that I have ever
downloaded, and I have looked at everything I can get my hands on, I
am a software freak and always looking for the better mouse trap, this
is one of them.
The more I use File-Ex,
the better I like the ease and convenience of having file management
functions built right into my file dialogs. File-Ex is definitely
one of the better investments in shareware I've ever made.
The enhancements [File-Ex] brings to Windows 95 make life easier by far.
Can't imagine life without File-Ex - greatest utility ever, a mega-time-saver!
I think [File-Ex] must be by far the most useful add-on utility that I have ever used.
I rely on it constantly.
The more I use File-Ex, the more uses I find for it... now it's almost
File-Ex really does save so much time. It must be one of the
best investments for my PC; a small but very valuable one.
I *love* this program. Makes WINDOZE so much nicer!
"File-Ex is one of those programs that makes you say, 'That's really neat!' everytime you use it."
"I like the program more and more since I've been using it. Absolutely great - don't know how I lived without it!"
"Very nice! I have wanted to be able to do what FileEx does for a long time."
"Great little program... It's one of those ideas I kept wishing someone would
invent, and lo and behold, someone did."
"This is the first piece of shareware I've found *immediately* useful AND NECESSARY! I installed the shareware, ran on for all of five minutes until it got the first use, and immediately realized I no longer had to run File Manager in the background!
"You have probably heard all this before but its a great piece of software. Nothing that is going to change the universe as we know it but a utility that deals with an annoying problem. Nice one."
"...And another time: [File-Ex] is really a great tool!"
"File-Ex [is] an efficient, smooth running and cleanly presented file manager ... Highly recommended"
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